Tuesday, April 21, 2009

diabetes stinks!

My son , Thoren, just turned 11 years old a couple of weeks ago. He was diagnosed with type 1 juvenile diabetes about a year and half ago. He is insulin dependant, which means he has to take 4 insulin injections per day. 1 with every meal and 1 before bed. We have to carb count and always take his diabetic supplies with us everywhere. He still gets to eat allot of the things he likes, but in moderation and always with a meal. He was never a sweets eater before, but since his diagnosis..wants them all the time now..haha! He really has been a good sport about it. Like on Halloween.. he trick or treats and afterward will give his candy to the other kids we happen to be with. I always have a special Halloween bag ready for him with little toys, pencils, stickers, and approved snacks.. He says he would rather have the toys than the candy. And at birthday parties, he always skips the cake. He doesn't complain about the shots, only the pricking of the fingers for his blood sugar counts. Through it all he hasn't let him get him down, he still functions as a normal kid. He's an exceptional student at his school, has been in Mixed Martial Arts for 3 years.. and has the funniest sarcastic sense of humor of anyone I know. Every now and then he'll look at me and say "you know mom, diabetes stinks!"